Combo Box widget

Path: Widget Gallery> Basic> Controls

Use this widget as a selector widget or to filter rows in a table to display only the values selected in the combo box.

Parameter Description


Index of the selected item.

List / String List

Item strings in the combo box.

Note: This field is multi-language.

Data / Data List

Returns the value in the Data List column (as string) in the Data field of the widget.

Tip: Use this parameter to return a custom value based on an item selected in the combo box.

Text Format of displayed text.

Data List

The Data List is associated with the "listData" property and can be modified dynamically using the JavaScript code.

// To read the Data List var comboWgt = page.getWidget("Combo1"); var listData = comboWgt.getProperty("listData") // To write the Data List var comboWgt = page.getWidget("Combo1"); comboWgt.setProperty("listData", "NewData1,NewData2,NewData3");

Attaching data vs. attaching indexes

In many projects you may need to attach fields such as Index or Data to tags to know the values of the selected item in the combo box.  Use:

Combo Box widget “full screen” mode with images

From the "Project properties" the look and behavior of Combo Boxes can switches from Context mode to Full Screen mode

Path: ProjectView> double-click Project properties> Properties pane> Project> ComboBox View Mode

Parameter Description

ComboBox View Mode

Select the visualization mode of all the Combo Box widgets of the project

Classic view with drop-down menus

Full screen
Enhanced view with configurable texts and images that will pop up in the middle of the screen for easy scroll and selection.

Context view example

Full screen view example

Additional parameters available in full screen mode

The additional "Image List" column will be available inside Combo Box> List parameter:

Note: Some properties are displayed only in advanced mode.

Parameter Description
Image Return, inside the attached tag, the file name of the selected image

Define the look of the Combo Box

  • Show background = true
    Combo Box button is showed
  • Show background = false
    Only image or text is showed
ListView Layout parameters of the Combo Box in edit mode

Define the items type that will be inside the Combo Box

Image Mode:

  • Only Text
  • Only Images
  • Text and Images
Additional macros available in full screen mode